
Leaking Detection and Repair:

Heampstead Plumbing and Heating is your troubleshooting authority for waterproofing membrane defects. Serving clients worldwide certified inspectors perform non-destructive integrity tests on new or existing waterproofing membranes and containment liners using pinpoint-accurate Electric Field Vector Mapping technology.
This rigorous technology, combined with our multilateral services, provides accurate detection of waterproofing defects and breaches. Only Glendale Plumbing Heating and Cooling can offer proven expertise and advanced proprietary technology for leak detection you can depend on.
Heampstead Plumbing and Heating are providers of high quality field services, training and consultancy services relating to water main leak detection and water loss management in New York. Heampstead Plumbing and Heating continues to be among the first to procure the worlds latest leak detection technology and implement the latest proven water loss methodologies to ensure we provide our clients with the most advanced and professional services relating to water loss.
Leak detectors and video cameras are used to inspect pipelines for gas and water leaks. Plumbers conduct pipeline leak testing under concrete slab, asphalt, and behind walls, and follow with repair or replacement of the damaged section. Special slab leak detection equipment is employed to locate and repair leaky pipes under the concrete foundation of the home.